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How to Reduce Stress? Ezhilarasan health tips LIBRARY

How to Reduce Stress?

Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. Pressure becomes stress when you feel unable to cope.
Everyone reacts differently to stress and experiences different stressors, or things that cause stress. Common stressors include work, relationships, and money.

Stress can affect how you feel, think, and behave. It can also impact how your body functions. Common signs of stress include anxiety, worrisome thinking, sleeping problems, sweating, loss of appetite, and difficulty concentrating, among others.

 It is worth taking the time to learn different strategies and techniques for managing your stress before there are serious consequences for your mental and physical well-being.

1 Exercise.

Just 30 to 45 minutes of exercise three times a week can make you feel much healthier and in control of your own life.[2] Studies have shown that exercise can relieve stress, reduce depression and improve your cognitive func

2 Get a massage.

Massage therapy can help reduce stress.[4] A massage is a great way to relax and to minimize the physical and emotional tension you are experiencing. You can give yourself a massage by massaging your neck, forearms, and palms, ask a friend to give you a massage

3 Eat well.

Maintaining the right diet is the key to reducing stress. Well-nourished bodies are better able to cope with the physical and emotional side effects of stress.[5] Moreover, stress has been correlated with overeating; people tend to seek high-calorie, high-fat foods when they feel stressed.[6] If you want to reduce the stress in your life, then you should pay particular attention to your diet

4 Incorporate stress-relieving herbs and teas into your daily regimen.

A number of herbs and teas can have a calming effect and reduce stress-induced insomnia, anxiety or anger. Always make sure to consult your physician or other health practitioner be

5 Improve your sleep schedule.

Sleep is simply too important to shortchange and sacrifice.[16]Improving your sleep schedule will go a long way in helping you reduce stress, since sleep affects your memory, judgment, and mood.[17] Research has shown that most Americans would be happier, healthier, and safer if they slept an extra 60-90 minutes each night.[18]Most people need 7-9 hours of sleep a day to get a healthy night's sleep. Sleepin

6 Tune in to your body regularly.

Most people separate their physical selves from their mental selves. However, it can be useful to take a moment and check in with and mentally scan your body to understand how stress is affecting it.[19]

7 Decompress. Place a warm heat wrap or cloth around your neck and shoulders for 10 minutes as you shut your eyes. Try to relax your face, neck and shoulders.[22]


I was collecting some useful stuff for my offsprings.

Just my CUT and PASTE gimmicks from..wikihow. I think it may help many.


Global Tamil Based English Trainer
Salem, South India.

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