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Eye Relaxation Techniques // Health Tips by Ezhilarasan

Eye Relaxation Techniques To Reduce Eye Strain Now.

Personally, I believe that knowing how to relieve eye strain is one of the best thing you can do for your eyes. Eye strain is in fact a critical factor in cause of poor eyesight. It causes blurry vision, ocular headaches, dry eyes, and over a prolonged period, it can result in refractive errors such as nearsightedness and astigmatism.

I highly recommend you to use them to relieve the build up stress within the eyes after long hours of close-up work.


How To Relieve Eye Strain 1:


This is one of my favorite relaxation technique. This technique only requires 30 seconds to 1 minute of your time.

Sit up right Rub your hand together quickly to warm them. Close your eyes and place your palms over them. Feel the warm moving into your eyes. Make sure your eyes ain’t touching your palms by placing them in the cups of your palms. Relax and imagine you are gazing into the dark space. Remain that way for 30 seconds or more. Slowly open your eyes and let your pupils adjust slowly to avoid sudden glare

This is a instant relief to get back to near point work quickly. Do it frequently say every 20 minutes, especially with computer work.

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How To Relieve Eye Strain 2:

Eyes Spa

All you need is a clot, hot water and a comfortable pillow. I usually prepare the hot water first and kept them in thermos flask so that i can have multiple sections throughout the day.

Fold the towel a few times until it create a surface area just enough to cover your eyes and temples. Pour the hot water onto the towel and try to make it evenly distributed. Taste the temperature with the upper skin of your hand which is more sensitive. What feels warm for your thick palm may be too hot for your eyes.

Lie down comfortably, close your eyes and place the warm towel over your eyes. Preferably do not face a fan directly as it may cool down the cloth too quickly. Relax and breath slowly. Imagine you are looking into darkness and visualize your eyes releasing all the tension and going back to its normal shape. Once the cloth cools down, squeeze out the water and repeat the steps. Continue the process for about 5 minutes

The feeling of muscles around and in my eyes releasing their tension is just too heavenly.


How To Relieve Eye Strain 3:


This method allows you to enjoy two benefits at one time - reduce eye strain and absorb vitamin D.

Stand in the sun always before 8am and after 4pm. Close your eyes and let sunlight shine on your closed eyelids. Feel the warm on your eyes. Rotate your head clockwise direction to ensure the sunlight get to every area of your eyes. don’t rotate your eyes as you are supposed to let them rest. Switch direction of rotation so that you won’t become dizzy. Keep doing this for 5 minutes.

Don’t wear your contact lens during sunning. If you are able of getting too much UVA and UVB rays, you can always cover your face and eyelids with sun block.

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How To Relieve Eye Strain 4:

Eye Breathing

Proper breathing technique helps to relax the tension in every part of our body including our eyes. What’s more is that our eyes need one-third as much oxygen as our heart, thus to know how to breath well is crucial for maintaining good eye health.

Sit comfortably on a chair with your back upright. Close your eyes and block your left nostril. Take a deep breath for 4 counts. Hold for 2 counts and exhale slowly for 6 counts. As you breathe in and out, imagine your right eye doing the same. repeat 5 cycles. Swap nose and repeat another 5 cycles. Release both nostrils and repeat another 5 cycles

This method is similar to meditation. It helps to ground you and relax your mental mind too. It is a great technique for wholesome relaxation. If you feel dizzy, breath normally for a while and do lesser counts.

Source :
Ezhilarasan Venkatachalam


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