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Using LEFT HAND benefits YOUR BRAIN Venkatachalam Salem

Friends, Trying to write some positive or assertive sentences in your LEFT HAND goes into your SUBCONSCIOUS and helps you solve your problems better. I am NOT telling this. Researchers say so. It may help you SOLVE your unsolved problems in your life. So please try it.

Inspired by the Tamil article by Dr.Karthigeyan in the Tamil Hindu dated 24 September 2019 (Tuesday).

Ezhilarasan Venkatachalam



இடது கையால் சில நேர்மறை வார்க்கியங்களை எழுதினால், அது நம்  ஆழ் மனதிற்குள் சென்று, பல நாட்களாக தீர்கப்படாத பிரச்சனைகளை தீர்க்க உதவும் என்று ஆராய்ச்சியாளர்கள் கூறுகிறார்கள்.

முயன்று தான் பார்ப்போமே.

நன்றி :

"மாற்றுக் கையால் எழுதுங்கள்"... தி இந்து.. 24.09.2019 -- டாக்டர் ஆர. கார்த்திகேயன் -- கட்டுரை

இது பற்றி ஒரு ஆங்கில கட்டுரை (லிங்க் கீழே).


எழிலரசன் வெங்கடாசலம்




Using your left hand (TINY VERSION)

Using your left hand or 'other' hand benefits your brain

Recently I had surgery on my right hand, leaving me functionally single-handed for a time.

Regardless of which hand you prefer, this preferred hand is hooked up to the opposite side of your brain. So my trusty right hand is connected to my left brain—the side responsible for language, judgment and intellect. But my clumsy left side is connected to my right brain, the source of creativity, perception and empathy.

I wondered if practicing left-handedness would have any benefits beyond a better hairdo. Turns out, there are significant benefits.

Since our hands are connected to our brains, we can stimulate our brains by stimulating our hands. The process utilizes brain plasticity, our brain's ability to change at any age—for better or worse.

Here are the best reasons to make friends with your left hand or other hand:

Increases Your Creativity

Because brain mapping shows that creativity is housed in the right hemisphere of our brains, experts say we can stimulate this right brain through working with our "wrong" hand.

This also works for lefties, as studies indicate that one hemisphere is active when we use our dominant hand, but both hemispheres are activated when we use our non-dominant hand.

Researcher Lucia Capacchione, says, "Writing and drawing with the non-dominant hand gives greater access to the right hemispheric functions like feeling, intuition, creativity, and inner wisdom and spirituality. She says, "When a dialog occurs between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, both emotions and thoughts are more fully expressed and understood," according to her website.

How to reach your other hemisphere of the brain?

Try brushing your teeth, opening doors, eating (chopsticks are extra credit). I even moved my computer mouse pad to the left for a totally new experience.

Intentionally using my left hand may even have opened my eyes to new experiences such as hay baling, swimming with sharks or even lion taming!

By Kim Ranegar, Jun 20, 2011

Source :

Time invested to abridge the article

Ezhilarasan Venkatachalam


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