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Side Effects Of Air Conditioners health tips Ezhilarasan

Top 6 Side Effects Of Air Conditioners You Must Know

Let alone the harm air conditioners do to the environment, the health risks it places you at are worth noting.

This epitome of luxury can place you at health risks, check now


Sitting in an air-conditioned room can lead to dehydration. Sitting in an air-conditioned room for too long can cause you headachesAir-conditioners can make you more vulnerable to cold, cough and flu

Air conditioners are synonymous to comfort and absolute luxury. Your bedroom, living room, office, movie halls, showrooms and all other places are air-conditioned. It has now become a very important part of people's life and those who can afford it do not think twice before buying and installing it.

But are you aware of the side-effects of this epitome of luxury?

Let alone the harm these air conditioners do to the environment, the side effects of air conditioners on your body are worth noting. Take a look.

1. Dehydration

When you are sitting in an air-conditioned room, you usually end up dehydrated. This is because the conditioner sucks out all the humidity and leaves the room cold and dry. Due to the cold, you refrain from drinking water as well. As a result, you end up dehydrated

2. Headaches

Sitting in an air-conditioned room for too long can cause you headaches. If you do not maintain an air-conditioned room well, your susceptibility of getting a migraine can increase. Another reason for this is dehydration. Yes, dehydration is one reason of headaches which people do not usually take into consideration.

3. Dry skin

Sitting in an air-conditioned room for too long can result in dry and dull skin. The air conditioner robs the room of all the moisture and does not even spare your skin. You may land with a dull, dry and rough skin with fine lines.

4. Allergy

Not cleaning the air conditioner regularly can result in allergies. All the dust and bacteria that accumulate on the air circulation ducts are circulated in the whole room and can even lead to skin infections, allergies, redness, irritation and itchiness.

5. It worsens a dry eye condition

A dry eye condition causes irritation and dryness in the eyes. It can burn, sting and even harm your vision. Though air conditioning is not the direct reason to blame for dry eyes, people dealing with this condition complain of a lot of discomfort while sitting in an air-conditioned room for too long.

6. Fatigue

People working in a workplace with extreme air-conditioning complain of a feeling of fatigue and chronic headaches. They also experience mucous membrane irritation and breathing problems. Sitting in air-conditioned rooms for prolonged hours can make you more vulnerable to cold, cough and flu.

Source :

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Collected by
Ezhilarasan Venkatachalam
Salem, South India.


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