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Lemon at bed time is good Venkatachalam Health tips

Lemon at bed time is good  Venkatachalam Health tips


Is it Wise to Drink Lemon Water before Bed? Health Benefits and Side Effects Explained

By : Sarah Cownley

(Shortened Version by Ezhilarasan)

Many believe that drinking and eating later in the evening is not ideal for your health. However, there is one drink that has the potential to provide better sleep and help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Drinking lemon water before bed can provide many health benefits and help detox the body overnight, thanks to the nutrition that can be found in the citrus fruit. It has no saturated fat or cholesterol and very little sodium but is a good source of folate and potassium.

Lemons provide vital vitamins and minerals that are important in keeping a healthy body. An easy way to consume them is to drink them in water, and before bed is actually a beneficial time to drink it. Lemon water nutrition offers a variety of health benefits, and below we will discuss many of them and if there are any possible side effects. ***
The high vitamin C content in lemon water is one of the main reasons for its nutrition value and health benefits.

Suggested Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water before Bed…and Cons

1. Sleep-Promoting

Drinking this may help naturally balance the body’s vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, and replenish what is used during the day.

This can stabilize hormones, increase energy levels the next day, and help repair muscles and joints, helping the body to relax and feel replenished and rejuvenated the next morning.

Over time, drinking lemon water before bed could result in sleeping more soundly. On the other hand, it may also make you feel energetic. For this reason, some experts recommend starting your day with warm lemon water instead.

2. Calorie Burning

Drinking hot lemon water before bed may seem like a good idea, but some have suggested trying it cold to lose a few pounds. The idea is that water is a natural calorie burner, and sipping ice water is one way to burn extra calories.

*** ***
3. Immune Booster

Drinking lemon water at night provides many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to overall health. Vitamin C is the most potent antioxidant that lemon water supplies, which is a great immune system booster and is also good for the skin!

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, boosts the immune system by attacking the nucleic acid of any virus that may be in the body.

The antioxidant vitamin fights with bacteria until they are dead and no longer a threat to the immune system. It is also known that vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are vital for proper function of the immune system.

4. Hydrating Benefits

Since the body is mostly water, it needs to keep hydrated in order for it to work properly throughout the day. While sleeping, the body is not working as hard, so it doesn’t need to excrete as many fluids.

Drinking lemon water before bed may help you refill the necessary levels and rehydrate what was lost during the day.

***   ***
5. Aids in Digestion

Having a glass of lemon water before bed can help regulate bowel movements and improve digestion. Over time, if lemon water is consumed regularly, problems with constipation may lessen.  ***

6. Mood Booster

The negatively charged ions found in lemons will increase energy levels and work as a mood booster. Fresh lemon water helps to oxygenate the body, which will also increase energy levels.

So the next time you are feeling down, drinking a glass of lemon water could help, but it may be best taken in the morning to avoid a sleepless night of charged up energy.

7. Detox

Lemon water is considered a diuretic that has the potential to rid the body of unwanted elements. Drinking a cup of warm lemon water in the evening before bedtime allows the body to slowly detox throughout the night.

Daily exposure to different toxins through the water we drink and the air we breathe can be flushed out by drinking lemon water before bed. 

However, a drawback may be frequent trips to the bathroom for relief.

Source :

Time invested

Ezhilarasan Venkatachalam
Tamil Based English Trainer


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