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13 Natural ways to lower CORTISOL hormone Ezhilarasan Venkatachalam LIBRARY

13 Natural ways to lower CORTISOL hormone
(This an abridge version : Half version)

If the communication between the brain and the adrenal gland is functioning correctly, the body should be able to increase and reduce CORTISOL production as necessary.

However, levels of CORTISOL can sometimes remain high even after the resolution of a stressful situation. This can have a negative impact on health.

The following simple tips may help to moderate "CORTISOL" hormone levels:

1. Lowering stress

People trying to lower their CORTISOL levels should aim to reduce stress. They can do this by removing themselves from stressful situations, where possible, or learning how to cope with stress better.

2. Eating a good diet

Dark chocolate may help to keep CORTISOL levels stable. A person trying to lower their CORTISOL levels should eat a healthful, balanced diet and pay attention to their sugar intake. ***  *** Drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration  also helps to keep CORTISOL levels lower.

3. Sleeping well

The amount of sleep that a person has can affect their CORTISOL levels.

4. Trying relaxation techniques

People experiencing stress can try to manage it by experimenting with relaxation techniques.  Meditation, mindfulness, and even simple breathing exercises can help a person deal with stress more effectively.

5. Taking up a hobby

Hobbies can be a rewarding and satisfying way to lead a fuller and healthier life, and they can lead to an increased sense of well-being.

6. Learning to unwind

People relax in different ways, so understanding what works on a personal level can be beneficial.

Research has shown that relaxation exercises and listening to relaxing music can both reduce CORTISOL levels, but whatever helps an individual to manage their stress will be beneficial.

7. Laughing and having fun

It is hard to feel stressed when having a good time, so finding time to have fun can also lower a person's CORTISOL levels.

8. Exercising

Exercise can help to improve a person's mood.

Being physically active is beneficial to health and can improve a person's mood.  Intense exercise can, however, trigger an increase in CORTISOL levels, as this is the body's way of coping with the additional stress that the exercise places upon it.

9. Avoiding caffeine / coffee at night

10. Maintaining a good bedtime routine

A good bedtime routine usually results in longer and higher-quality sleep. People should get into the habit of turning off all screens and just relaxing before heading to bed. It will usually also help to keep phones, and any other potential distractions turned off.

11. Having good relationships

Stable, loving relationships with partners, friends, and family can be vital when it comes to leading a happy and fulfilled life, and they can help a person get through stressful periods.  If relationships are unhappy and unhealthy, however, they can cause a great deal of stress.

12. Getting a pet

Some studies indicate that having a pet can lower CORTISOL levels.

13. Taking supplements

Both fish oil and an Asian herbal supplement called  ASHWAGANDHA have shown the ability to reduce CORTISOL levels, so taking these supplements alongside a healthful diet could be beneficial.

for the good of the society
Ezhilarasan Venkatachalam
Global Tamil Based English Trainer

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